Hello All! A Newbie Here From VA...

Started by big_gus, February-10-12 20:02

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Hi All Im new here from southwestern Virginia! I am a revolver man and have been for years. I love Colts DA Revolvers especially the Snake Guns and Smith&Wesson Pre-Lock Revolvers. I have just recently been taken with the NAA minis. I just ordered a BlackJack about a month or so ago and got it in and have been carrying it since. I initially ordered it as a Collector piece but it had 2 little spots in the finish from the factory so after shooting it, it became my pocket gun. I picked up a 4 inch Earl lightly used at a Local gun shop about a week or 2 after the BJ came in and was realy surprised at how well it shot. I only shot it about 10 times but it looked like a dime on the target which amazed me! Much much better than the BJ which might shoot a 5 inch 5 shot group at the same 10 yards or so. Anyway I have been in the market for a couple of Rangers but hate to pay Python prices for minis lol. When I saw the first article in my American Handgunner about the Ranger I was taken with it, I thought Im going to get me one of them when they come more available and thought I had plenty of time to pick one up. Boy was that a mistake! Just wanted to introduce myself guys. Come on in and pull up a chair!

"If a Psychopath runs over 20 people with a car, should you be banned from owning a car? People are hit EVERYDAY by cars... Gun Control makes as much sense as Car Control!"  Myself

NRA Endowment Life Member and Proud supporter of the Second Amendment!! :)



   Welcome to the forum.

   I was going to get a Ranger later to. That didn't happen. I waited because I thought that at some point at a later date I could get one with both cylinders. Wrong again!!


Welcome Gus,

   I to have a 4" Earl. Nice little gun. Do you have both the Long rifle, and the mag cylinders. If you only have the mag, you can get the L.R. The savings in ammo will pay for it pretty quick.


Welcome Gus,  

   I am new to the forum as well. I got myself a ranger just before they announced that they would not be producing anymore. Like the many other top breaks in my collection the ranger is one of my favorites.


No unfortunately I do not have the LR cylinder but wish I did. Like a couple of days after getting it, I had thought about ordering another with the extra cylinder but then I saw the hogleg on NAA's website. I knew I was going to have one of them with and extra cylinder. I went to the gunshop where I ordered the BJ and he couldnt even find it listed at any of the distributors... I mean models like the New Colt Mustang (which Ive had on back order for about 6 months) and even the Ranger were listed just not available or Allocated, but did not even show the hogleg. Why is this? Are they currently selling them? I did not wait on this one like the Ranger, I went straight to order it with money in hand. Where are they at??? Thanks.

"If a Psychopath runs over 20 people with a car, should you be banned from owning a car? People are hit EVERYDAY by cars... Gun Control makes as much sense as Car Control!"  Myself

NRA Endowment Life Member and Proud supporter of the Second Amendment!! :)


Big_gus welcome to the forum!  Hoglegs are out there Grayelky could probably tell you what distributor to check for them.  I think he got a few not to long ago.  Hopefully he will see this thread and pop in.


Welcome!  Despite what you may hear, not all of us on this site are crazy.  Just most of us.  Now will someone help me get this straitjacket off?


Santa ~ If you stretch your right fingers out as far as you can you will be able to feel a little metal buckle.  Just flip that buckle open and the rest of it is self explanatory.  At least that's how Chops and I got out of ours...


Big-Gus, Welcome to the asylum...uh, I mean message board!! lol You'll find that the good outweigh the bad members here. And the annoying members are easily ignored.  


   Heya West! I thought it was a matter of dislocating one shoulder to slip your hand to the buckle to get out of them. Now here I have been practicing inflicting excruciating pain on my self to make sure I could get out of one and all I have to do is stretch my fingers out?!?!?!? Demmit.....Well, at least I still have the trick shoulder. Not sure what good it'll do me...lol.


hey gus, welcome.  i'm very new too.  also from virginia.  northwestern for me.  welcome.  these guys know their stuff.


I cant wait until the new handejector mini comes out, lol. I know thats what its going to be. It has to be either that or a SAA design with loading gate and little ejector rod housing on the side of the barrel. With all the success and everyone going wild over the Ranger, it has to be something like this. I will be greatly disappointed if its not.

"If a Psychopath runs over 20 people with a car, should you be banned from owning a car? People are hit EVERYDAY by cars... Gun Control makes as much sense as Car Control!"  Myself

NRA Endowment Life Member and Proud supporter of the Second Amendment!! :)


Hey Westerly1965 your idea works!  Im free! Im free!  Im free!  Now if only Mrs Santa will satisfy my desire, fufill my ultimate fantasy and give me what Ive been longing and hoping for, A NEW MINI CONVERSION with a 1/58 inch barrel.



   You want a mini with a barrel only 1/58" long! Thats

   even shorter than my.......................never mind, I think I'll go cry now.


Hey Gus I am from southwestern WV.   Welcome to the board.


Wythe County here.   Near the shot tower.


   I like the mini in LR and have a couple I use for carry.  I also have one of the old models in 22 short I'm hanging onto it for a trade. Maybe a 32NAA.


   Have you ever been to Marshals Store in Allisonia?


   It is an old country store run by an elderly couple,  He likes and stocks the NAA stuff.

   And he is very reasonable on his prices.

   And he loves to trade.
"That little gun is just to get ya to yer big gun."
My Grandad.


Scott County Indiana...

   I have an NAA 22Mag in 22WMR with the 1&5/8 barrel...love the retro look and the compactness of it as a "concealed carry",,,sidearm...also have a Taurus PT738-380,and a Walther P-22...
So many guns; So little money!